Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Thoughts

Jaiden is growing up. FAST. All of her 18 mo clothes are getting too short. Her tops are belly tops and her pants are capris. We took her to Target last night for some new outfits. I usually shop the base thrift store and find a lot of really cute and gently used brand name clothing but I just haven't had time and base is a 30 min drive from us so we don't get out there very often.

There wasn't a great selection but we found some cute pants and jeans and a few tops. Hopefully I will be able to get out and do some more shopping this weekend. The temps are really starting to drop rapidly and it will be winter here before we know it. Fall is cerainly here but I'm not sure how long it will last. Already seeing neighbors with pumkins out on their doorsteps which is really weird for me because growing up we never did pumpkins until the latter part of October. I planted mums a couple of weeks ago and that was weird too because that to me is a fall flower and it symbolizes that fall has officially arrived.

I still haven't had a chance to get that video of our vacation finished. I've just been too exhausted every evening after work and crash early. Plus I started a new diet (visit my blog to follow along) and I'm really grumpy so I don't think it would be my best effort. I will work on it this weekend, along with helping hubs to install a window in the bear's room. Window 2 of 4 that need to be done BEFORE winter sets in. When we bought our house in March the existing windows had about 4 inches of ice on the INSIDE of the windowsill. Not good. Our house is fairly new (built in 04') but the previous owner was a total goober and our house reflects it where it counts. (Remember the unfinished driveway?) In addition to the windows there are numerous other (costly) projects we will have to tackle in the next year. Hubs is a bit stubborn when it comes to hiring good help so he tackles most of the projects himself (me I'd rather hire someone) this is all well and good until you try to take on projects that need more hands...that's when we get recruited. So we will be out doing windows tommorrow. Wish us luck :)

* Update
Hubs installed the window today with our teens help so I am free to go shopping in the am! Yay! We went on a "date" tonight to China Garden and then took a swing by Lowes and then Menards...I scored some new houseplants :) My reward to self for enduring a week without sweets.


Steffie B. said...

I need to shed 10 as's you and me girl! ;)

kitchu said...

Joined WW 2 weeks ago... gotta say love the feeling of finally losing weight compared to feeling all bloated and gross from eating too much!

Jewels of My Heart said...

Our little ones grow up much too fast! Makes me a little sad.

prechrswife said...

I understand outgrowing everything. Mary Joyce has done the same thing recently, except she is about a size behind. (Although some of her smaller 18 month stuff doesn't fit either. She is in larger 18 month sizes, 18-24 month, and the occasional 24 month.) We've also moved off from the people we used to inherit clothes from, so shopping has been a regular event for us, too. :-)

C's Mom said...

But, are you eating the houseplants? ;0)

Seriously, best of luck on that and other upcoming projects.