Monday, August 13, 2007

uh oh Mommy is trying to be creative...

Blogging is on hold for a while while I follow my new inspiration of painting. I found some cute...and really simple prints at Target, thought they were a bit too pricey and ventured out to recreate them myself on a blank canvas....days later I am not finished. Just actually started the painting process yesterday and with some modifications to the original art, it is going pretty well. I should be done in another week or so.

I'm just trying to make some simple flowers that's all. You'd think that would take all of 5 minutes. Not days and days to conjure up an idea and acrylic it onto a canvas. I love to paint but today I haven't felt very inspired so I am taking a really quick bloggy break.

Jaiden is teething again. She was up 4, 5??? lost count of the number of times she/we woke up last night but today we are tired and cranky. I wish those teeth would give the girl a break. I don't remember going through this much pain with the boys. They just drooled a lot. Jaiden is in total misery and we've tried anbesol and teething tablets, ice and rubbing the gums. Any other soothing ideas would be most appreciated.

Hope everyone has a great week!


Steffie B. said...

I'll be missing you.....stop by and see me when you can! ;)

E. said...

When my niece started teething, I found this toy that vibrated (no joke) when you bit it. It was a little butterfly-lookin' thing and when she bit it's head, it vibrated softly, soothing her gums. It quickly became her favorite toy (especially since she didn't pop a tooth until she was 12 mos). I've also heard a strong alcohol rubbed on their gums numbs them... and if it doesn't work for her, you can do a shot and make the crying less painful for yourself. Good luck with the teething and the painting.

Verna said...

Teething . . . yuck! Mya seemed to get all her teeth at once. Mega doses of tylenol. Glad you have the painting to keep you artistically challenged. Post a pic of your art. I'd love to see it.

Tamara said...

Sometimes I think "I should be creative" then I think "nah, too much work!" so you go girl!

Steffie B. said...

How is the paiting going over there?