Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our beautiful girls

Hi all! I know its been a while and I really do miss you all and appreciate the sweet comments. Its been crazy busy around here and I haven't had much time to write or keep up with blogging. I hope you all are doing well. I hope I'll be back again soon but till then I still love hearing from you so keep the comments coming!


Steffie B. said...

So, so glad to hear from you! ;) Did you draw that picture? It's great! I can understand being busy! Boy can I! How is the weight lose going? Mu butt grows on a daily basis! lol

Anonymous said...

i lasted a week and then it was major birthday week so i fell off the wagon and have been bad, bad bad! My teen turned 16 and hubs turned 40 so there were lots of sweets to eat! couldn't resist!