Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pray with me

My daddy is not doing so good. As I write this, he may possibly taking his last breath. I am going to try to go see him this week but I don't know how it will go... I am putting off that moment, hoping it will never come and yet knowing it will whether I go to him or not. He is not a church going man but he is a good man and he's been a great daddy to me. Please lift him up in your prayers and pray that I'll have the courage to face him for that final farewell.

*Jaiden Riley and her Pappaw David Riley last March when they met for the first time

11/21/07 **Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers throughout this past few weeks. I went to see my Daddy on Monday, he's skin and bones but his face lit up the second we walked into the room. He is in a nursing home and they seem to be taking good care of him. There was not a lot that I could do for him but just be there. Jaiden went with me and she was very excited to see her Pappaw again. I have some precious photos of them together and will post them when I get back home. As I was leaving his room during our second visit there, my dad said "Pray for me" I said "every second of every day Daddy"


Kylie's momma said...

Oh Kim, Sending you all good thoughts as you struggle thru this trying time. Take care of yourself! Hugs from MT.

E. said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Please know you are in my thoughts.

Jewels of My Heart said...

I am so sorry Kim, I know how hard it is. Will be praying for your Dad and your whole family.
Also just wanted to say that going to church won't get you into Heaven... Only accepting Jesus as your Saviour will... I pray your Dad feels the Lord's peace during this time.

God's Peace

kitchu said...

I am so so sorry. Go to him. Go... it was my biggest regret and if I could change just one thing, I would have gone to my mom.

I am praying for him and for you.

prechrswife said...

Kim, I'm so sorry... We'll be praying for you. We've just been on the road of losing a parent with Chet's dad recently. It isn't easy...


Briana's Mom said...

I am so, so sorry. I'm praying for you and your family.

Tamara said...

What a heavy burden on your heart to think about life without your Daddy. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I'm so very sorry for the pain you are in.

Steffie B. said...

Oh Kim.....I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family.

Steffie B. said...

Missing you....hope you are ok.