Monday, March 03, 2008

Lion or Lamb?

March is one of my favorite months of the year, the daffodils pop their heads out and say HELLO SPRING!!! This has always, always been my "sign" that spring is right around the corner....

well, this morning I got a different kind of sign. As I was pulling out of the driveway I saw a bird. I have not seen a bird since fall so this has to be a sign right??? I'm not sure what kind of bird it was fat and gray, kinda small and round like a robin. But robins are red aren't they? I don't know very much about birds, and guess I should as much as I love nature.

uh oh, I keep hearing this nasty word again...SNOW is coming our way. From my viewpoint at my desk, all I see is blue sky...I would love it very much if it would stay that way. Please oh please God, no more snow!

On a happier note, I have sprouted tomato seeds growing under a grow light in my dining room...we may be eating artificially grown tomatoes if this nasty weather continues. I am trying on that I've never even seen before a "yellow pear" grape tomato. Anyone heard of this? The kids LOVE tiny tomatoes so if I can get all 72 plants to survive (half of those are red grapes) we will be in the 'maters'...:)


rgshrs said...

Maybe it was a kind of sparrow?? Either way, I'd take it as a good sign!! Especially if they haven't been around all winter! Seems like he wouldn't have headed back unless he thought Spring was on the way! ;) Good luck on the tomatoes!! MMM..

prechrswife said...

Yummy--fresh tomatoes are one of my favorite foods. :-) Hopefully your little birdie friend will bring the rest of spring along with him.

Steffie B. said...

we are so far from nice weather yet.....I'm jealous! lol

Jewels of My Heart said...

I hope you get lots of sunshine, birds and your daffodils....
Your tomotoes sound fun.