Thursday, March 05, 2009

Chic and Bear meet Mouse and Duck

I (Mom) have booked a ticket for Jare Bear too so now its no longer a girls only outing...for those concerned parents out there wondering why I was going to leave Jared behind...he is having some difficulty in school and we didn't think it would be good to take him out for this long but this is a once in a lifetime vacation that we may not get a chance to repeat anytime soon...or before he is a teenager depending on where our future takes Yay! Jaiden is excited (sorta-kinda) that he is coming should have seen her face when I told Jared that he was going...I think she thought that she had to stay home...or else she was truly looking forward to getting away from the guys...hmmmm she is a bit of a Drama Queen and the guys love to bring out her very best theatrics at times...this should be a very interesting week. She is VERY jealous of Jared...I called Jared "Bear" the other day...I've always called her "Chic..chicklet...chica pet...etc" she said "I am not a chic anymore...I want to be BEAR" Threw quite a fit over that too I must say. So any advice on dealing with jealousy? I spend more time with Jaiden than I do Jared...he doesn't get upset with her. I really don't know where the jealousy comes from but she has been that way since we arrived home...anyone else have similar situations happen?

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