Sunday, April 29, 2007

Photo Challenge

For the month of May 3 Dumplings is having a challenge for anyone interested in participating. I've volunteered Jared as my subject of choice for the month of photos since this is his birthday month. He turns 6 on May 9th. Go over to my other blog and check it out! :)
*Jared made a wrench out of his toast - he's got the "tools" in his genes!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rotten Milk

How do rid the smell of rotten milk from your auto? It appears daddy found one of Jaiden's bottles in the backseat yesterday...a time bomb just waiting to explode. And boy did it ever! It smells like we hid a body in the trunk...except it's an SUV and we don't have a trunk. Daddy removed the bottle and all remnants of any spilled milk, and I vaccuumed the carpet, sprayed resolve and febreeze until the carpet is soaked and now have all the windows open with it sitting in the sun trying to air out. Please wish us luck on removing the odor or we may have to seek professionals to come in and fumigate.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nap Nap Time

This is so cute I just had to blog it before I forget...

Our morning routine is this:

0730 we take the boys to school

0800 Play time

0900 Nap Nap time/Blog time for Mommy :) - well this morning I was on the phone with my Mom and at 0850 as Jaiden was playing with a plastic Easter egg she suddenly squealed and flopped herself down on the floor in a mini fit. My mom said "What happened?" I said "oh something didn't work right with her egg" *the mommy alert that a nap is in the near I go to get her bottle ready and before I get it poured she's alread found her blankie, has her binkie and leads me to her room; where she climbed up into her bed by herself! (She has a toddler bed now that we moved into our new house and converted her crib into Jared's bed since it was originally his crib) This is the first time she has initiated nap nap - she's always been a good napper and doesn't ever complain when it's time but she has never actually gotten into bed on her own. My baby girl is growing up!

Tommorrow she will be 16 months. I can't believe how fast time has gone by! Last night she had a tough time sleeping because she's got two (or four?) new teeth coming through - back molars and they are giving her lots of pain. I've been trying ice, lot's of baby ambasol, teething tablets, rubbing her gums etc...but last night nothing was comforting except laying against my shoulder and having her back rubbed.

This is another first since she hardly ever wants to be held at night and will scream bloody murder if I try to rock or cradle her in my arms. It was a very special time and I think at moments like these that she may be actually warming up to me...something I've wondered still since she usually pushes me away (when I try to hug her) and still hasn't said "Mommy". I know when she does it will be a special gift and I know she has a lot to work out in her mind that she is still adjusting to our new life together. She doesn't like me to be out of her sight and gets very jealous when her big brother Jared climbs into my lap or hugs me so I know there is some sort of territorial feelings there...which hopefully will grow into unconditional love and she will want and need me just as much as I've always wanted and needed her.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How she gets clean...

Jaiden LOVES to take a bath! This is how much she loves bubbles. She dunks her whole head face first into the bubbles and takes a big bite!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

7 Month Gotcha Anniversary

It's so hard to believe that it's been only 7 months since Jaiden was placed into our arms. The wait was endless and we didn't think it was ever going to be our turn and then almost overnight our lives were changed forever. I'll never forget the moment we first looked into those deep chocolate eyes and felt her warmth. The smell of her was pungent and very wholesome - kinda like a field of wheat after a rain. She never cried and she fit into our lives like she's always been here. Our little miracle of life that amazes us every day with her smile and her deep gutteral laugh. We aren't always sure of how to handle the temper streak that runs so deep and we can't quite figure out how she can go from screaming like a banshee to laughing hysterically in the same moment. But each moment is a treasure and she is our shining jewel. More precious than all the jewels on Earth. Happy 7 months Group 117B!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thursday, April 05, 2007

5 min at the docs office...

is just sheer I remember why I avoid that place as much as possible but today I had to take Jared in for the gosh awful erruptions on his face. He developed a crusty yucky eye infection during our road trip across America last week (Minnesota to Louisiana and back in one week) we had Scott's Dads funeral and then a family reunion to attend so the kids were exposed to hundreds of gazillions of strange things so no telling where the infection came from. We thought it was pink eye but his eye started getting better, then he developed a nasty red blot on his undernose area which since he had a slight running nose thought was due to that but then it started crusting up - yucky yellow crust. Then he developed little pimples around his cheeks and then they started getting crusty too so I broke down and took him to the doctor today...

Not only is it in the teens here but the wind is blowing like crazy so getting two kids into a SUV and to the doc is one thing but once we got there Jaiden wanted nothing to do with sitting in the reception area or getting her hair done for the umpteenth time this morning so she wiggled and squirmed until I let her down and she headed off to the nearest lady she could elderly woman who just couldn't wait to get ahold of her and what was I supposed to say "uh no lady you are in a clinic - how do I know - you might be contagious or something" she was a sweet lady and we were on a military base so the lady held her for about 2 seconds...then they called our name to go and I snatched her up and ran out of the room quickly. Then when we got to the room and got Jared settled into the chair, she wanted to go to the med tech girl who was checking him there she was typing all his info in with one hand will Jaiden sat like a little angel on her lap. Then the doctor walks in...and Jaiden couldn't wait to go to her either. It's starting to feel a bit like the new has worn off the Mamma and Jaiden is ready for a replacement. She is such a happy girl and never meets a stranger. I worry sometimes that she may not be bonding well with me but then she will lay her her against me and make kissy noises that sure melt my heart.

Anyway...turns out that Jared has infantigo so I will have to give him antibiotics 4x a day and rub antibiotic cream on the lesions. He's a trooper and has not complained or itched them at all. He told the doctor "I looked in the mirror and saw my face and said *Big Eyes and open mouth* Uuuuuuh (deep indrawn breath)" the doctor was very impressed with his explanation and the drama he used to point out the effect it had on him