Thursday, April 05, 2007

5 min at the docs office...

is just sheer I remember why I avoid that place as much as possible but today I had to take Jared in for the gosh awful erruptions on his face. He developed a crusty yucky eye infection during our road trip across America last week (Minnesota to Louisiana and back in one week) we had Scott's Dads funeral and then a family reunion to attend so the kids were exposed to hundreds of gazillions of strange things so no telling where the infection came from. We thought it was pink eye but his eye started getting better, then he developed a nasty red blot on his undernose area which since he had a slight running nose thought was due to that but then it started crusting up - yucky yellow crust. Then he developed little pimples around his cheeks and then they started getting crusty too so I broke down and took him to the doctor today...

Not only is it in the teens here but the wind is blowing like crazy so getting two kids into a SUV and to the doc is one thing but once we got there Jaiden wanted nothing to do with sitting in the reception area or getting her hair done for the umpteenth time this morning so she wiggled and squirmed until I let her down and she headed off to the nearest lady she could elderly woman who just couldn't wait to get ahold of her and what was I supposed to say "uh no lady you are in a clinic - how do I know - you might be contagious or something" she was a sweet lady and we were on a military base so the lady held her for about 2 seconds...then they called our name to go and I snatched her up and ran out of the room quickly. Then when we got to the room and got Jared settled into the chair, she wanted to go to the med tech girl who was checking him there she was typing all his info in with one hand will Jaiden sat like a little angel on her lap. Then the doctor walks in...and Jaiden couldn't wait to go to her either. It's starting to feel a bit like the new has worn off the Mamma and Jaiden is ready for a replacement. She is such a happy girl and never meets a stranger. I worry sometimes that she may not be bonding well with me but then she will lay her her against me and make kissy noises that sure melt my heart.

Anyway...turns out that Jared has infantigo so I will have to give him antibiotics 4x a day and rub antibiotic cream on the lesions. He's a trooper and has not complained or itched them at all. He told the doctor "I looked in the mirror and saw my face and said *Big Eyes and open mouth* Uuuuuuh (deep indrawn breath)" the doctor was very impressed with his explanation and the drama he used to point out the effect it had on him

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