Thursday, February 14, 2008

How sweeeeet it is

I have 5 days off to spend with my kiddos :) I am so excited! This will be a great time to catch up and reconnect with them.

We had some more snow last night, so where was hubs at 4am this morning? Clearing the driveway of course! That man LOVES to move some snow! After that he surprised me with all my favorite things, 4 different kinds of dark chocolate....Godiva all the way down to Reeses and a bottle of kahlua! I am so spoiled! That should help ease the winter frustration a bit. That and the bag of oreos, and the chocolate ice cream he brought home from the grocery store the other day...the man loves me what can I say!

I guess you are wondering what all the chocolate is resolution this year is to eat more chocolate... So far I'm stickin to it very well ;)

So I'll be off now to play with my kiddos. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! May you be blessed with an abundant love that overflows your heart and makes everyone around you have an extra special day too! :)

Much Love and Chocolate ,
Kim :)


Kylie's momma said...

Oh my DO like chocolate! :-) Happy belated VDay hope you're staying warm!

Tamara said...

A girl after my own heart, I think you should eat chocolate every day! :)