Saturday, February 09, 2008

Catching Up

We are having a blizzard...and it's not from DQ. We haven't gotten any snow but the winds are kicking up the snow we have quite a bit. The sun is shining though, so it makes for just a hazy kinda day.

Not much going on around here, just staying warm and checking out homes online. Hubs finally figured out that we need to move BEFORE he retires (I've been trying to tell him this for the past 3 years) We want to move to Dallas and are looking into building a home. Right now everything is just dreams so I will tell you more if you want to know...just ask :) We're trying not to get too excited about it just yet. We still have the hurdle of selling our house here first.


rgshrs said...

Hope everything works out for you! I love Dallas!! have friends, in Denton, McKinney, hicktown of Farmersville.. LOL, I might not have been in such a hurry to leave Texas if we had been in Dallas and not stuck up here 2 hours from everything, but that's just me, many people love it here too, but me, I'm happy to be heading to the beach... stinks that we'll be gone before you get here though!! Happy house hunting and if I can do anything for you before we head out of here, let me know!!! Praying it all works out the way you want it to!

prechrswife said...

I can't wait until y'all are in Dallas! When we come to Louisiana, we can meet somewhere in the middle and get the girls together. :-) Besides, it is much warmer...