Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fire and Ice

This is going to be a two part story, I'll start with the most recent first.

Tonight we were sitting at the bar, chillin, Jaiden was snacking on her some crushed ice cubes when all of a sudden we hear a "uh, uh, uh" Daddy looks up at her and busts out laughing - she's got a huge piece of ice stuck to her top lip! OMG I didn't think that actually really happened!!!! (Remember the movie of the little boy with his tongue stuck to the pole?) So I grabbed her up and ran her to the sink to dislodge the iceberg under cold water....all the while of course I'm thinking 'where's my camera, where's my camera'

The next story is not a funny. Its one of those moments that you just never want to happen as a parent but according to Murphey's Law will have to happen 99% of the time...well we were cookin up some eggs a couple Sundays ago, Jaiden and I, she was sittin so nice on the countertop watching me scramble and no sooner than I lifted up the pan to put the eggs into her plate but "plop" her little hand went smack down right dab on top of the burner. I snatched her up and ran cold water on her hand but it had already turned white and hard. Ugh! So then I tried some aloe, which made it start to sting, so then we soaked the hand in cold water...all this time Jaiden has not shed a tear, just looking at me like "what the heck just happened?" She was very good about keeping her hand in the cold water, then when she got bored with that she carried a baggie of ice around for the rest of the day. By the next day it had started to bubble up and she was starting to use her hand again....but it looked horrid! I felt so bad and she was such a good little trooper about it. I kept salve and ointment on it and it is doing much much better now. We both learned a lesson from that experience....whatever the boys didn't do... Jaiden will! She is my take life by the horns and shake it kinda girl...LORD help us!!!


rgshrs said...

Oh Kim, both those stories remind me of my younger brother. I can't count how many times he actually stuck his tongue on the slide or the flag pole (we lived next to the school) and got stuck! So yes, that can happen in real life. Glad Jaiden's first experience with ice sticking wasn't nearly so traumatic.;)

The burn, was him also, he was about Jaiden's age and climbed onto the stove, played with the knobs and burned his knee. He still had the scars when we were in high school though they are pretty well gone now. Apparently that one he did after everyone was in bed he got out without anyone knowing til he started crying. Remember this was over 30 years ago, no monitors etc... but he survived child hood.. don't want to scare you but he shares Jaiden's birthday too! Spooky! :)

Glad Jaiden's burn is healing well.
She's definitely going to keep you on your toes!

prechrswife said...

Poor Jaiden! You just never know what they are going to get into, do you?

kerri said...

Glad Jaiden's hand is healing.
I too have a little one that keeps things exciting and eventful. ;)
I remember sticking my tongue to the screen door, only once, LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Jaiden burning her hand...

But, as to the ice cube sticking to her lip...I want to how that EVER happened to such WELL-CHAPSTICKED lips?!