Saturday, January 12, 2008

Chapstick obsession?

Is it possible to have a chapstick addiction? Jaiden LOVES LOVES LOVES chapstick. She can uncap it, put it on, cap it and then 2 minutes later starts the process all over again. If I don't watch her, she will have chapstick wax clumps all around her lips because she has put on so much. The girl just LUUUUUVS her chapstick!

Of course we have dozens of chapstick tubes all around the house now and everytime I see new flavors I have to get them for her. I have always wanted to buy those tubes of lip moisturizer in different flavor, so that is what she had in her stocking this year. She LOVED it! Now her kisses come in assorted fruit flavors :)



prechrswife said...

Too funny!

rgshrs said...

oh how cute!

C's Mom said...

Yup, know a couple of bloggers who have been obsessed with chapstick well into adulthood. There could certainly be worse addictions ;0)

Nicole said...

Very funny Kim....Isabelle does the same thing!!

Jewels of My Heart said...

She is just so cute I can't stand it!