Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This is soooo Un fun

Sorry I haven't been updating lately, there has not been much to talk about except the weather and it certainly isn't much to brag about. Today is hopefully one of the coldest days yet, with the wind chill of around 54 below zero. The temp is -24 right now and our high is expected to be negative twelve today. I hold my breath and run but the few breaths that I take to get into work still is like a sharp knife cutting me into. This is totally un fun. I would not recommend living in the north to anyone. Even the locals are saying its cold. They say not to go out without your winter survival kit....

My idea of a winter survival kit is:
A nice warm house, a warm blankie, a hot cup of coffee, chocolate and a good book

Stay warm!
Cuddles :)

*Evening update - it was sunny and cloudless sky all day - when the wind died down it wasn't bad at all - I wasn't cold a bit when I went out to my car this afternoon - the car didn't care for it too much and boy she sure was sluggish but she warmed right up and it sure is nice to have heated seats...what a great feature! My toes were a bit cold but my tush was nice and toasty on the ride home ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty confident that for the sake of the mental health of the cold-weather residents, the weather people should stop referenceing the actual temperature once it fall below zero. Have a record low temperature is not a reason to celebrate and a high of -12 is hardly a heat wave!! I will feel cold for you all day.
I'm sending warm Florida thoughts your way!!!
-Elizabeth (formerly destination anywhere)

prechrswife said...

Brrrr...stay inside as much as you can! That just sounds no fun at all.

rgshrs said...

Your idea of a winter survival kit sounds perfect to me (except subsitute hot chocolate for coffee lol;)!! Stay inside and warm as much as possible!!

kitchu said...

You'd already be digging my grave. NO way could my Florida blood survive that.

I feel for you. Or I feel numb for you?

Steffie B. said...

wow and here I ws complaining about it being 9*. So sorry for you girl! Just stay inside! ;)