Sunday, January 13, 2008

a sledding we will gooooo

Weeeeeee! Jaiden, Jared and I took the sled out for a run down the levy on Saturday. The snow is still about knee deep in some areas and I got stuck walking up the hill carrying Jaiden. I sat her down on the hill in front of me on a more level spot and she laughed and laughed at me as I struggled to work my way out of the embankment. I'm not used to walking in the stuff, I'm not used to anything more than what sticks to the has been an eye opener, and it's quite a workout too. We only made it down the hill about 3 times. The trek up is a lot tougher than I remember it being as a kid...but then we just scooted down the ditch embankment and it was never that high. The wind was really brutal and as you can see from the kids rosy cheeks, we were only out for maybe 20 minutes and we'd had enough of the cold. And it was actually a warm 20 degrees that day.


prechrswife said...

Brrrr...Looks cold, but fun. :-)

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, that looks like so much fun! I remember from my South Bend, Indiana days talking to my dad (in Florida) and telling him that it was, "Not that bad" because it was 19 degrees out. I suppose it's all about perspective. I'll be thinking warm thoughts for you down here in Miami!

the author said...

we still have had no snow worth mentioning in Germany this year. The boys pray for snow every night. My hubbby said, "One day you're going to come down stairs and won't even be able to open the door and then you will know - GOD HAS HEARD THOSE MURPHY BOYS!"