Thursday, September 11, 2008

Daddy's Home!!!!

You know how most times you know someone has pulled up to your house or is coming to your door if you have a dog that barks..... well we have a daughter that SQUEALS out "YAYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee DADDY'S HOME!!!!" Whenever she hears his car in the drive, or if we are in another room and she hears the front door...when the garage was clean enough that Daddy could park in it she would do this everytime she heard the garage doors going up. It is an ear piercing scream so he can usually hear her well beyond the closed door so each day as he comes home he is greeting with a smile....and a SCREAM! Can't beat that for a homecoming!

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

Mary Joyce has one of those screams for her daddy, too. :-) It really is priceless. (We must have traded garages. Ours is finally clean enough that we CAN park in it.)