Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I know if I've heard it once, I've heard it a zillion times..."It's all going to happen in God's timing"

Yes, I know if God weren't already there waiting for us on the other side of this enormous mountain I could not have survived this long. My heart keeps telling me to keep going, even when I don't think I can. Each day I survive is a day I'm a little bit stronger. Soon we will be on the other side offering a hand of encouragement to those on this side of the mountain. God is with us on both sides and will help us through each step of the way.

May you be blessed!

  • 1 comment:

    Suz said...

    Kim, I just found your blog through Elle and wanted to say - "I love to blog too!"

    I look forward to hearing that you have heard great news!

    We are awaiting our court date for our daughter-to-be V. We are in week 15 of the wait between trips.