Thursday, June 07, 2007

The saga continues...

This morning at 0600 Jaiden took her blankie and lay down in the hallway and fell asleep. At 9 I put her in her bed to nap and at 0955 I heard one of her toys so I go to check on her - she is sitting at the door playing! I put her back into bed and get her tucked in with her blankie, give kisses (she blows kisses when she goes night night) and slip out quietly. Well she pitches a fit and a few minutes later stops crying but I hear a soft thump, thump so I go to check on her and she is sitting up in her bed bumping her head against the wall. I lay her back down and repeat the tuck in procedure but she starts screaming again. This time she falls asleep within a few minutes and is now sleeping peacefully. She has been on an uninterupted schedule for a while now so I don't understand why she is suddenly fighting this because she doesn't need a morning nap anymore? She gets grump and rubs her eyes when she hasn't had a nap so I know she is sleepy. Could she be overtired?


Kylie's momma said...

Hey Kim, I wouldn't fight the naps. Some days you just need to let her go. If she tips over in the living room then pick her up and put her to bed. Sometimes they just don't need a nap (tho' most of the time they DO) but it's not worth the heartache and combativeness to get it done. I'm sure she will sleep through a freight train if she's anything like Kylie...well if Kylie falls asleep on the floor depending on what I'm doing (ie not vacuuming or something needing the floor) I will just cover her up and let her sleep. Kylie gave up naps a little after she turned two. She wouldn't a take a "scheduled" one but would often just fall asleep on her own. So either way she was getting what SHE needed. It's one of those things don't sweat it and she might just be going thru a faze and naps will come back??? I think the hardest part is giving up those quiet times we have when they are asleep. I missed that the most!

Tamara said...

Missed ya! Sleep can be a huge issue for sure.

Emmie said...

Good luck with the sleep issue. When we first came home with Sophia and had some sleep issues at night our doctor just told us to let her cry it out one night and it worked. She has been a great sleeper since then. She does indeed play for almost an hour some days in her bed during nap time. As long as she's happy we let her be.

Gracie said...

She will get over it. It just may be a spell. No need to worry.

Steffie B. said...

Daniel is 14 months and has been down to one nap for months. He goes down around 12:30/1:00 and takes and good 2 hour plus nap. He is in bed by 8PM.