Sunday, June 24, 2007

Catching Up

It's been a week since I've been able to get much time on the computer so I am behind on a lot. When you work away from home, things just have a way of piling up - laundry, dishes, housework...its all still there and must be done in addition to spending quality time with the kiddos...which always comes first in my book.

Jaiden has been having a tough time with me working. She is doing fine at daycare but comes home and has a meltdown from the moment I put her into the car seat until we get her to sleep each night. I'm not sure what is going on with her but I'm sure she's expressing her anger at my being away all day. She is whiney and tired alot and doesn't sleep well but I'm hoping that this will improve when we get into a routine.
Jared will start going to daycare next week and he is very excited about that. Cody went to stay with cousins for the week and after that is considering seeking summer employment. He needs something to do other than playing video games and chatting online...

We had a garage sale yesterday - it was in the 90s and sunny (which I was enjoying) but the garage was in the sun so it was baking! Not many people were out and there wasn't even a dent made in the amount of stuff we have to get rid of. Guess that is why we usually donate but I thought I'd give it a go since we have lots of very gently and barely used baby items and they are stinkin pricey brand new.

We are thinking of re-landscaping our yard so today we are making a trip to the local Menard's to get bricks. Hubby wants something low profile that he can mow around and not have to edge with the weed eater...I get more yardage for my gardening :) so we are all happy!

The "strawbebbies" are certainly June bearing - they are keeping me hoppin! I need to go pick em' now - a thunderstorm ran me back inside this morning when I went out to check them but it has cleared up now. I am going to attempt to make some freezer jam (MIL recipe) so far I have saved up and frozen two half full gallon sized bags. That's cleaned and capped. Another project I am considering is putting the strawbebbies along the fence and giving up the playhouse location to hubby for building a larger storage facility for his man tools... and them out of our garage. When is the best time for moving them? Fall or spring?

*I am starting to wonder - is Jaiden bipolar? She swings moods so quickly and often that I can not keep up. It makes things very complicated to say the least when she goes from flopping down on the floor screaming to a full throttle belly laugh within seconds. Is there a such thing as baby psychiatrist? She understands our language a lot better than we understand hers and I desperately want to reach her and understand what she is feeling. I'm completely perplexed. Yes, I know I am a moody person myself but even I don't bounce around this much and frankly I am worried. I want her to be happy all the time - is that wrong?


Jewels of My Heart said...

Hang in there. This has to be huge in her world... She will probably be feeling angry and scared for a while.

Steffie B. said...

She is just trying to figure out how to express herself. Hang in will calm down.