Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have really enjoyed this blog, it has been my outlet throughout the adoption process...even though I didn't get hooked onto blogging until midway through I've met a lot of great people that have shared this journey and made me a part of a really great community. I hope to continue to keep up with you as time goes by, getting to know you better, seeing your dreams come true, your days of disorder and chaos, the laughter, the tears and all the in betweens.

Looking back I have gone through a multitude of emotions and sharing them and connecting with others out there that share the same has been a blessing.
I feel it is time to grow a little more and sometimes before you grow you have to prune so in order to dedicate more time to the entire family I am going to focus on our family blog. I've come to realize that I've begun adding more and more "other stuff" to what originally started out as Jaiden's page (with the intention of scrapbooking the comments) I would like to try to just highlight her on here so on occasion I may add a photo update or a tidbit of news...there is always something happening around our place and I will try to start doing a better job of documenting everything so please stay tuned...and update your bookmarks :)


Steffie B. said...

well good....I have missed you....I will email you shortly about my new camera! ;)

Jewels of My Heart said...

Hi Kim, I just got your comments and will email you.... I am so glad you are not stopping Jaiden's blog though.... Ilove seeing her beautiful, sweet face.

park it said...

You know all that other"stuff" is part of what shapes your family - it will help her understand a little better if not different one day - when she is a "grown up" - I imagine mu daughter reading posts and saying - I can't belive she posted about going potty or the such!
Carol in FL - no SNOW - Thank Good Ness!

prechrswife said...

Wow--I've missed a few posts. :-) First of all, that snow picture made me cold just looking at it. Glad to hear a thaw is coming.

I'll have to get my blog roll updated. :-)

Steffie B. said...

I just tried to email you, but it would not go is what I wrote:


ok...about my camera.....I have been going to the same photo shop for years so I knew I would get help in selecting. Bascially I went in thinking I was going to purchase the Canon Xti or the Nikon D40......All these cameras seem to be very close to each other. There are just little differencs with them. First off.....mone came with TWO lenses. A smaller (probably the standard) and a larger one with more zoom which also gave me that blurry background look. It also has the image stabilization on it, mine also checks just for dust and cleans it every time it is turned on. It has about 21 scene modes.....and is just all around a great camera.

It's just a matter of choice.....the guy that sould it to me also really likes the really....I just got "talked" into it however, it has been really easy to use so far. My advice would be to go to a store and have them show you the ones you are interested in....I was in the store like 1 1/2. Let me know if you get a new camera! ;)

Have a good weekend....

Steffie B. said...

Ok your comments today had me cracking right up....Daisy Dukes.....OMW.....that would be such an UGLY site on my behind!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are going to continue with this blog!!!

I know what you mean about wanting to have this blog as a "scrapbook" for your daughter...that is what my blog primarily, is, too! Cyber-scrapping is a great idea. (I keep thinking I will print HARD copies of each of my blog entries...and DID start doing so a while back, but our blog and its predecessor are so lengthy, that it is going to take me a very long time (and a LOT of ink!) to catch up with myself!