Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have really enjoyed this blog, it has been my outlet throughout the adoption process...even though I didn't get hooked onto blogging until midway through I've met a lot of great people that have shared this journey and made me a part of a really great community. I hope to continue to keep up with you as time goes by, getting to know you better, seeing your dreams come true, your days of disorder and chaos, the laughter, the tears and all the in betweens.

Looking back I have gone through a multitude of emotions and sharing them and connecting with others out there that share the same has been a blessing.
I feel it is time to grow a little more and sometimes before you grow you have to prune so in order to dedicate more time to the entire family I am going to focus on our family blog. I've come to realize that I've begun adding more and more "other stuff" to what originally started out as Jaiden's page (with the intention of scrapbooking the comments) I would like to try to just highlight her on here so on occasion I may add a photo update or a tidbit of news...there is always something happening around our place and I will try to start doing a better job of documenting everything so please stay tuned...and update your bookmarks :)

Snowball Fight!!!

We had our first warm day yesterday!!! It got above freezing! The sun melted a lot of the snow and softened the hardpak so it was slushy. I taught Jared how to make snowballs and then turned my back on him....SMACK right in the back! Then I turned and gave his dad a kiss...SMACK he got BOTH of us at the same time! Ha! Beware of what you teach your children ;)

We went to Best Buy to look at cameras again...still haven't found "the one", and we saw 6 deer in our neighbors yard!!! As we drove by I thought to myself...hmmm they didn't have any animated deer in their yards before...thinking they were statues...then I glanced back and realized they were REAL! There were 3 of them in the front yard and 3 of them on the side. I've never seen them that close before. We do see a lot of deer in fields around here but never in other peoples yards. They were gorgeous! All fat and fluffy with their soft winter coats. I wish I'd had my camera at that moment.

Today is going to be another warm day (high 30s) we are starting to see DIRT!!! YAY!!! Spring is on its way!!!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Snowy Spring

This is our street (to the left) on Saturday morning...before 3 more inches of snow fell.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

New Camera Suggestions?

My battery died in my camera and I can't find the charger...again. This happens repeatedly around here. I lose things all the time but they usually pop up somewhere. I haven't been able to find it anywhere. I've done this in the past and reordered a new charger, gotten the wrong charger, then found the charger. It's a vicious cycle.

In the meantime of trying to find the charger (again) I would like to get a backup camera that takes regular batteries. Something that takes a really good picture but fairly inexpensive. My current camera is a Sony and I love it alot (when it's charged) its lightweight and compact, fits into my pocket and easy to snap pics on the go. I would like another Canon but I can't decide which one...anyone have any suggestions or helpful advice?

Monday, March 03, 2008

Lion or Lamb?

March is one of my favorite months of the year, the daffodils pop their heads out and say HELLO SPRING!!! This has always, always been my "sign" that spring is right around the corner....

well, this morning I got a different kind of sign. As I was pulling out of the driveway I saw a bird. I have not seen a bird since fall so this has to be a sign right??? I'm not sure what kind of bird it was fat and gray, kinda small and round like a robin. But robins are red aren't they? I don't know very much about birds, and guess I should as much as I love nature.

uh oh, I keep hearing this nasty word again...SNOW is coming our way. From my viewpoint at my desk, all I see is blue sky...I would love it very much if it would stay that way. Please oh please God, no more snow!

On a happier note, I have sprouted tomato seeds growing under a grow light in my dining room...we may be eating artificially grown tomatoes if this nasty weather continues. I am trying on that I've never even seen before a "yellow pear" grape tomato. Anyone heard of this? The kids LOVE tiny tomatoes so if I can get all 72 plants to survive (half of those are red grapes) we will be in the 'maters'...:)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Farewell February

It is with much joy and anticipation that we turned the page of February off our calendar this least for me it was exciting. I am glad to get that month behind me and have the promise of spring around the corner. We have lots more cold weather to come but I am praying that the snow is done. I soooo can't wait to see the earth donned once again in all its brown and green splendor. The white gets very very old after a while and you begin to wonder if you aren't really locked up inside a medical facility going mentally insane...everything is so white.

I took Jaiden and Jared out for another spin on the dike the other day. I wish I could figure out how to add video, I took one of the three of us sledding downhill at a pretty good clip. It was fun, yes I know I can't believe it myself, I actually had a fun moment out in the cold. Jaiden was really loving riding on the sled - I pulled her along all the way there and back. Guess there is one nice thing about our roads being covered in ice, pulling kids on sleds is easier....but it makes driving a car a bit tricky.

Not much going on today, Jared is playing outside in the backyard, Cody is at work, I went grocery shopping, Jaiden is playing with playdough, Scott is doing the laundry. And we're having a roast for dinner :) I have been craving roast beef lately for some weird reason.

Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great week!