Friday, June 15, 2007

Our week

It has been a very exciting week for us. On Saturday our driveway was finally completed - we now have concrete all the way to the road thanks to Scott and his brother Robb. They did an awesome job and saved us thousands by doing it themselves. We celebrated the achievement with dinner at the Texas roadhouse.

Monday I went to work at my new job and Jaiden went to her first day of daycare. It went much better than I had expected and there were no tears. Jaiden waved bye bye and sent me on my way. I was nervous to start another new job in another new town but it turned out to be a pleasant experience. The folks I work with are great and they made me feel very welcome. I think it will be a great place to work, yet I do miss that feeling of being with family that I had at my last job. I know that will come in time as I get to know everyone but I miss the familiarness of before. Getting to know a new job in a new town is never easy.

Summer finally arrived on Sunday - if only for a moment. We blew up the kiddy pool and let the kids enjoy the water. I had to bring bucket after bucket of boiling water to dump in because the city water is ICE cold! Jaiden was starting to turn blue so I had to take her out within just a few minutes even though the temps was 80 degrees. Mon and Tues were near 90s and then on Tues the rain came and it's been raining the rest of the week. Everyone keeps talking about how bad the mosquitoes are here and I am starting to get very afraid....

The strawberries have begun to ripen this week and we have gathered them every day. yesterday Jaiden was following me around stealing them from the bucket as I picked - just like my brother used to do when we were kids. The kids have really enjoyed the fresh berries from the garden and they certainly are a nice surprise each day to find new ones ready to be picked. I hope eventually to have enough to make up a batch of homeade jam...but with the way Jaiden eats them I may be waiting a while ;)


Steffie B. said...

Great video! That was really cool!

Briana's Mom said...

Good luck with your new job! Love the video!

C's Mom said...

Very cute!

The driveway rocks. I'm going to have to do major repairs to mine by next season. Thinking about an overlay. I'd love to borrow those guys ;0)

Jewels of My Heart said...

I am so glad it went well and Jaiden did so well. Fresh strawberries.... yum
I love your video

Emmie said...

Loved the college/slideshow...very neat! The driveways looks great! Good luck with your new job, I'm sure you'll do great! :)

rgshrs said...

Good luck at the new job, and I can just see Jaiden sneaking those strawberries! YUM! Smart girl! ;)

Tamara said...

I'm so glad you like your new job and Jaiden is happy too. Sounds like things are falling in place in your new home.

Jewels of My Heart said...

Fun video... Hannah just loves to watch Jaiden and dance to her cool music!