Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Halloween that wasn't

*The cute costume that arrived two days too late...
I know, I know - this is where the cute first photo of halloween is supposed to be with the kids all dressed up in their cute costumes but just didn't happen that way this year.

First of all, we were waiting for Dad to come home and hoping he had been able to go to the post office (Jaiden's costume hasn't arrived yet) Jared tried his batman costume on about 5 times and at 5 oclock still no sign of then it had gotten dark as a cauldron and the temps dropped into the low 40s and it was starting to rain. Jaiden already had a cold so I decided not to get her out in the weather and Dad could watch her while I ran Jared around to trick or treat on base. Well Dad rolled in around 6 and he looked and sounded horrible! I drugged him up and sent him straight to bed - Cody and I went on base a while later (he wanted to go to the haunted house) but the line was like 45 min long so we decided against that too.

so we're just a bunch of fuddy duddy's this year. Jared is mad - keeps asking when it's going to be halloween (yeah he keeps rubbing it in) and I do feel really bad but life goes on. There's always next year.

So while I can barely run a household, I'm really impressed with Pres Bush being able to find time in between running the country to hand out candy to kids at Robins AFB. That is so cool! I could use some of his time management skills :)


Chelley said...

Awww poor Jarad hey email my your home address and I will send some candy from Australia!
my email is

C's Mom said...

Ugh! Sorry it was such a lousy day all around.

Jarad needs a little special treat.

Tamara said...

ahhhh- life can be so lousy sometimes, at least you are all together! So what was Jaiden going to be?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kim.... I JUST found this blog! I always was a bit bewildered that you didn't say hardly anything at all about Jaiden on your blog...but, here I have just reading the WRONG blog!!

Who knew?!

Had fun reading this one!
