Monday, July 24, 2006


We're getting HOT, HOT, HOT!!! Yes, we are getting closer to our referral day - and the weather is getting warmer and warmer too :) It's nearing the 90s in Germany! I'm LOVIN the weather but not liking being indoors - it feels 20 degrees warmer than outside. Would much rather be out in the garden with the warm dirt between my toes and the sun shining upon my bare shoulders as I dig and water and weed.

Ok, that last little tidbit had nothing to do with our referral coming this week but it kinda went along with the title :)

We are next up in line and the CCAA should be sending out the stork at any moment. How much longer? Will I get any sleep this week or will I be attached to the web, looking for any tidbit of info I can find? Even Scott is bugging me about news and he's not usually that preoccupied with the blogs. He usually takes whatever I give him but this week he's asking me for info! Exitement is building :)


C's Mom said...

Got my fingers crossed for you - that referral must come SOON!

Suz said...

OOOOO I'm so excited for you! Fly Stork! Fly!!

rgshrs said...

SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Anxiously watching for that stork, prayers are with you!!!