Monday, July 31, 2006

August is here...are we lost in translation???

Referrals are coming in by the droves now - what exactly is a drove??? hmmm not too sure but one agency alone had 44 babies!!! Our agency only has 8.

The first 117b baby has been delivered!!! - with fully translated information. We can only wonder where our daughter is at and when we will get to meet her....Certainly today will be the day!


C's Mom said...

Waiting patiently to hear about your girl!

My heart is with you :0)

Suzanne said...

Looking forward to reading your good news. We should get news our court date today or tomorrow so I empathize with how hard it is to wait for something you know is so close.

Suz said...

Surely today will be the day for you! I can't wait to hear!