Saturday, July 29, 2006

So how are we doing today....?

We are STILL in labor and STILL no delivery (Induce! Induce! Induce!) It's been wonderful to see the boards come alive with photo updates. The children are beautiful and very healthy. What a blessing!

------> Here's "The Book" that I've been journaling all the important details and thoughts about the adoption in. It is ready and waiting to be filled with the information about our daughter. The scripture on the lower corner says "Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here. Jeremiah 33:3" I had created this spread and decided it just needed something extra so I opened the bible and this verse just jumped out at me. that the storks have landed this means that after all this time of waiting, our daughter now sits on someones desk back in America waiting for Monday to roll around for them to do their job of getting us that photo! I am beyond annoyed. I've never heard a doctor tell a patient "sorry you can only have your baby during our normal duty hours" (Deep breath, internal scream) ok, so we wait...AGAIN!

Monday Mountain time means that our agency's office does not open until 5pm our time. I'm just guessing, but I don't sense any urgency here...our agency told us yesterday that they THINK that our referral is on its way. So here we are, 3 days from the time that the Stork Alert was given and still no baby! Someday I will look back at this moment and laugh...but right now I just want to see my baby!

*Jared is sporting a peanut butter and jelly mustache -->
(Mei-Mei is Chinese for sister)

Right now I feel like eating an entire Chocolate cow! Where are those referrals???? Guess I'll go read a good book.


C's Mom said...

I feel for you. You have got to be sitting on pins and needles right now!

Oh, and you'd be surprised how many docs do try to force those births into 'normal' working hours ;0)

Suzanne said...

We are waiting this weekend for news of our court date. We should hera on Monday night, our time. The wait is killing me. NEED. MORE. CHOCOLATE.

Your pal in waiting,


Suz said...

You and all the June/early July China families are in my thoughts and prayers this weekend as you have to endure this torturous wait! I don't know which is worse, the not knowing when (as in our case - Russia) or knowing it's right around the corner and having to wait!

I'm super excited for you and can't wait to read all the good news and see the precious pictures! I know the level of excitement I have is only 1/1,000th of what you're experiencing!