Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mamma has the summertime blues

Thanks everyone for your visit and comments! I love hearing from you, it's a real treat to check my mail and see that I have comments posted on my site :)

Yes, I've been in a bit of a funk...I think it started in Sept 04 and I haven't quite been able to shake it off. That is when we moved to Germany, the weather was a big change for me (I love hot weather) and for the first time my family and I was living far from extended family. It wasn't the first time being away from home but back then I was single and stayed very busy with friends and travels. Being in Europe with my family was a lot of fun but not having friends or family to share those moments with makes things a bit lonely. We started our adoption process in Nov 04 and even then I felt very alone, especially since there were not many adoptive families on our base. I did a lot of mass emails to family and friends and had about 5 different websites going with photos, which everyone seemed to love, but no one ever replied to me. It was hard to keep up a one way conversation and I felt like I was being shut out. I joined our agency chat group and that is how I met fellow adoptive families. That led me to our DTC chat group, which led me to find Do They Have Salsa in China and that is how my blogging began. I think without my little world of bloggy communication I would lose my mind. I love reading about everyones daily ups and downs and stories that touch the heart or make me laugh. My blog friends have become a family to me and some days I think you are the only ones that care. I don't hear from family that often and that is really sad. I miss all the fun things we did together. Maybe it is because I chose the life I have and moved away but I still need the companionship of friends. I know I should try harder to make friends here but I know I don't want to live here any longer than I must and that is preventing me from reaching out to others and establishing a relationship with those that try to get to know me better. I know in less than 2 years we will move again and then it will be time to re-establish new friendships all over again. I can usually make friends quickly wherever I go but I have always been a one best friend kinda girl. I am pretty adament about who that one friend is going to be and one established, they are my friend for life. I guess I should try being a better friend to everyone I meet instead of trying to find that perfect someone because until I am settled somewhere, we will not be close enough to establish a true friendship that lasts. I don't know why but I've always wished that I'd had a sister. Someone to share secrets with, someone to be there for, to laugh with, cry with, or just to pester and annoy. I think when you have a sister, you'd never be may want to be sometimes but you never are. You can be yourself and they love you, even when they don't like you very much. That is why I am so torn right now. Should I, in the current situation that we are in, push for another adoption? Shouldn't Jaiden have the experience of a sister? I don't want to deny her of this and I really want to bring more children into our home. What is it that holds me back? Fear? I think it's fear, not sure of what but something. I've never been afraid of anything except dying without making a difference and as the years have ticked on I reflect and wonder what I've accomplished. Where's the brood that I dreamed of? When did I lose that focus? Where am I going? When did having a nice home and finacial security become that much more important than my dreams? Why can't we have it all? What is the price of happiness? I don't know the answers but my heart tells me that I am not compete yet. I sit here in a nice job and look out the window at a perfect summer day and wonder "why in double hockey sticks am I not out there enjoying this day with my children?" I don't think there is any place I'd rather be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In your current state of mind I would suggest you don't bring more children into your life. Focus on the ones you have. If you have been in a "funk" since 2004, that would be considered depression. A funk is a mood that lasts temporarily, three years is a serious thing. I would suggest you seek counseling and don't give your daughter a sister because that's what you always wanted. Get yourself help, that's the best thing you can do for your family....
