Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prayers Needed

Please say a preyer for my daddy, he's in the hospital with fluid around his heart (congestive heart failure) and according to my brother he's not doing well. He's in his 80s and has been in and out of the hospital a lot this year. I haven't seen him since March and that was only for a couple of days. I am going to try to go down there and see him (he lives in Louisiana) I hope I am not too late but I have been expecting this for a while. We haven't been close since my mom and dad divorced when I was 8 but he will always be my daddy and I hate to have to say goodbye. (He's the inspriration behind the Riley in Jaiden's name, my dad and mom's middle names)

Sunday Update
spoke with my stepmom yesterday and my dad. He was a bit incoherant but otherwise his normal self. I don't think I am going to go down to visit at this time. I am not sure what good I could do to be there. My stepmom said that he could live with this for many years or he could have a spell and not survive it. I just hate to think of him in any sort of pain and know that the Lord is going to take care of him. Thank You for your prayers.


Jewels of My Heart said...

Oh, Kim, I am so sorry. I will be praying for him and for your family.
God Bless

fivekidz said...

IMHO- go see him now... if at all possible..and if you can and he is well enough take the kids,get pics of them with their grandpa.The opportunity to see him may be taken from you at any time.You will be thankful later when you have those memories and pics.Time is precious and you don't get many 2nd chances . You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
peace Bonnie
A song you may like.

Kim said...

We did a family visit in March (before he got sick with pneumonia in April) It was hard enough then, he was talking about his will and he gave my oldest son one of his guns that he's had forever. We did have a great time and I have some great photos from that time that I treasure and have framed and hanging in a very special place in our home so we can all reflect back to that time with Pappaw. I guess I said my goodbyes then but every time I hear that he's not doing well it just breaks my heart because I know he can't live on forever and I can't be close enough to just drop everything to visit him.

Kylie's momma said...

Kim, Sending you good thoughts in this time of worry! Hope your dad is home and back to his old self before youknow it! Susan

Steffie B. said...

Thinking of is everything going? Hope you had a good with you this week! ;)

C's Mom said...

I'll be thinking of you and your family.

rgshrs said...

You know you are always in my heart and prayers, even more so as you face such a difficult time. My Gram has had Congestive Heart Failure for years and despite all the odds and a cold climate she's still holding on. It breaks my heart that I can't spend more time with her especially every time she asks when we are coming back up to Maine again. So I feel your pain.
This life we have chosen may have some perks but it's time like this that remind us just how hard it can be.
Hugs,and I'll say an extra prayer.