Friday, August 03, 2007

Sentimental Friday

It's been a few days since I felt like posting and even now, I am very meloncholy about it. The bridge disaster on I35 hit a little too close to home for comfort and last night I had a nightmare about it, but it was me and my babies that were plunged into the muddy Mississippi and I couldn't get Jaiden out of her 5 point harness, the loops and latches just kept slipping from my fingers in the swift moving murky muddy water. I could see the eyes of my children looking at me for reassurance and I couldn't get them free. That is such a horrible feeling to wake up to.

It has made me aware of two very distinct things. 1) I will pay very close attention at the first aid class tommorrow. (I have attended dozens of classes and yet I couldn't begin to tell you how many chest compressions or breaths to give. If my babies life could someday depend on me saving it, then I must be better prepared and pay closer attention. 2) Get swimming lessons for the younger ones so that they have confidence in the water. In my dream Jared was hanging on piggy back and strangling me in the process because he could not swim. (He's done this numerous times at the pool so this could be from a reality experience)

Anyway, just been in a mellow mood and didn't have much upbeat to write about lately. Yesterday was a most beautiful day and around 2:15 I'd decided I couldn't stand being cooped up anymore and was about to fill out a leave slip when my phone rang and it was the daycare. "Jaiden just woke up from her nap and we think she has pink eye so you have to come pick her up" Ok I was on my way home anyway so I pick her up and take her home (yes, the eye was red, swollen and looked pretty yucky so I called hubs and got her a referral to go to the ER) by the time we got home the eye was looking normal again. I think she must have just poked herself in the eye. Anyway it was a gorgeous afternoon and we spent it outside, Jaiden playing happily in the sandbox and me digging rocks and putting them along side of my garden. I am trying to create compost in a couple of garbage bins, anyone ever tried this? I don't know if it's going to work but I thought I'd give it a try since the pile I had going was just getting ravaged by our doggie. My garden is starting to have tomatoes and squash and it won't be long until they are ready to pick. My tomatoes are a bit heavy and floppy, I've learned my lesson; sticks just will NOT work. They must be caged. I will do better next time. This is my second year with raising tomatoes (on sticks) you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now. But they start out so small and frail and those cages look so large and frightful!!! I know, I know I must get over it and see the big picture of those big tall tomato bushes loaded down with one pound tomatoes!


prechrswife said...

I did think about y'all when I heard about the bridge disaster the other day. These things make impressions on all of us, but it always seems more so when things happen in places that are close or familiar to us.

Glad to hear you had a good afternoon with your sweet little girl. :-)

Jewels of My Heart said...

Oh, my gosh! Kim I am so sorry... even though it was only a nightmare I cannot imagine how terrifying it must have been. Thank goodness it was only a bad dream... so glad Jaiden is ok and it turned out to be a lovely day.
Sweet Dreams

Kim said...

It was terrible seeing those eyes so full of trust and feeling so helpless. Thank God it was only a dream that helped me to appreciate more deeply the treasures I've been blessed with in my life.