Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Yay! I slept all night :) When I went to bed it was still full daylight out (8:30pm) and woke at 5am to a full fledged thunderstorm raging outside. Finally caught up on that REM sleep and yes, I got the children off to daycare today with no issues. It helped that Jared was actually in the car because he talks non stop so there is no forgetting that there are kids in the car when he's riding with me. Yesterday he'd decided he wanted to stay home with big brother so I guess the silence kinda threw me off.

Please say a prayer for my friend Charlie. She is going through some rough times right now and is separating from her husband. He wants something different and can't quite understand that he already has the very best. She is such an awesome person that the why of this just doesn't make any sense but I know that God will give her strength and peace to endure the tough times ahead. It just tears my heart out to think of her in pain. She has two beautiful children and they are going to need a lot of prayers to get them through this.


Steffie B. said...

Hooray for your sleep....and I am so sorry about your friend.

Tamara said...

Amazing what a good nights sleep can do for your spirits. I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie. I hope her husband comes to his senses. My ex husband thought he wanted something different too, now that he is getting his second divorce he's realizing he didn't have it so bad with me.

Anonymous said...

she is in my prayers, and so are her children.