Wednesday, July 25, 2007

12 Years ago in Texas....

One man took one woman to be a lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish forever and ever. Scott and Kim were joined in holy matrimony and a single mom became a wife and mother of three.

There's been lots of good times and we've seen our share of hard times but through it all love has prevailed. He is my rock and I am his mystery - we are one and yet two very different. Sometimes I wonder how it works and other times I wonder how I could live without him. He keeps me grounded and I take him places he's never been or would ever dream of going. He's my best friend and everything in between.

I have the best husband in the whole world! Now I need help because I can't figure out what to get him...Help Please!

12th Wedding Anniversary = Silk
When most people think of silk, they probably think about it’s beauty, or the feel that only silk can produce when worn against the skin. But I doubt that many people think about what an incredibly strong material silk is, before nylon and other synthetic materials were developed, silk was used to make parachutes during WW2. During and after the war, parachutes were highly sought after by European women. One can only imagine how many wedding dresses, lingerie and other garments were made from the recycled silk parachutes.

So it’s easy to see why silk would be the symbol for the 12th wedding anniversary gift, because just like a twelve year marriage it can be soft, beautiful and incredibly strong, all at the same time.


redmaryjanes said...

Congratulations on 12 wonderful years~

C's Mom said...

Happy anny! I think he's got the most amazing gift in his family :0)

Tamara said...

Wow! 12 years is a long time- happy anniversary. How 'bout silk sheets for BOTH of you to enjoy (wink wink!) Thanks for clicking on my ads. And can I say again how much I love your new blog look?!?! It's fabulous.

Kim said...

redmaryjanes - Thank You! It's been quite a journey!

CJ - Thank You!!! What a sweet thing to say :) You make my heart smile and your blog is like medicine to my soul

princess diaries - Thank You!!! Yes, 12 years is a LONG time :) We were actually married longer cuz we lived together in Texas for 2.5 years and after like 6 mo or so you are legally "hitched" in the eyes of Texas. We actually have owned silk sheets but kept sliding off of them - is there a trick to staying on? (wink wink) Yep, you can say it again and again - I Love the new look too - the blog fairy is awesome!

Jewels of My Heart said...

Happy Anniverary... What a beautiful post and a beautiful picture...

rgshrs said...

Happy Anniversary!! 12 years is certainly something to celebrate, every year is really ;)

And I too have to add that I just LOVE the new look on the blog! it's awesome!!

prechrswife said...

Happy anniversary to our travel buddies! :-) Hope you and Scott have many more wonderful years together. :-)