Friday, July 13, 2007


It's FRIDAY!!!!!

(and the fair is in town!) We checked it out on Wednesday but they were just settin it up so there wasn't much to see but it brought back memories of the fairs from childhood; the ferris wheel, the carousel, the tornado - what was your favorite? Mine is always the animals. I loved the bunnies this year, there was the cutest bunny with long soft angura (sp?) fur. And one that looked like a siemese cat...soft and silky!

Tag you're it!!! :)

if you are reading this post consider yourself "tagged" Now quick, grab a camera and go snap a photo of your fridge. This is the "what's on/in your fridge tag" I will post a photo tonight but I just thought of it and would like to see how many brave hearted bloggers I know :) My fridge is a mess so maybe you will get both - do you really want to know what lurks inside??? I do! let's chill together! Post on your blog (or here) and let me know so I can check it out. Happy Chillin'

1 comment:

Emmie said...

So I've actually never been to a fair but am planning to go this year with friends! They sound pretty amazing! :)

Well, I would do your me-me but I'm at a friends house...maybe when I get home! :)